Resident, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Medical Physics (2017)
Postdoc Research Fellow, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Medical Physics (2015)
Certificate of Medical Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, Medical Physics (2015)
PhD, Peking University, Beijing, China, Accelerator Physics, (2011)
BS, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi'an, China Major: (2006)
Academic Appointments
Associate Professor, Department of Human Oncology (2024)
Associate Research Professor, New York Proton Center, New York, New York (2023-2024)
Assistant Professor, New York Proton Center, New York, New York (2018-2023)
Assistant Professor, Radiation Oncology, Georgetown University Hospital, Washington DC (2017-2018)
Assistant Research Professor, Radiation Oncology, National Cancer Center China, Beijing, China (2011-2013)
Selected Honors and Awards
Best Clinic Poster, the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Particle Therapy Co- Operative Group (PTCOG) (2024)
Young Investigators Symposium Award, Delaware Valley Chapter of AAPM (2015)
Outstanding Graduate Award, Peking University, Beijing, China (2011)
Founder Scholarship, Peking University Beijing, China (2010)
Excellent Students Award, Peking University, Beijing, China (2006)
Medal of Future Physics Star, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China (2006)
Western Excellent Student Scholarship, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China (2005)
Boards, Advisory Committees and Professional Organizations
NRG Oncology Proton SBRT Working Group, 2020-present
AAPM TG 349 - Commissioning of Monte Carlo Dose Calculation in Proton Therapy, 2020-present
PTCOG (Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group) Thoracic and Gastrointestinal Subcommittee, 2021-present
AAPM New York chapter RAMPS, 2023-present
Contact Information
Minglei Kang, Ph.D., DABR
4621 Eastpark Blvd,Madison, WI 53718