PhD, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, Biomedical Engineering (2024)
SMS, MDACC UTHealth Graduate School of Biomedical Science, Houston, TX, Medical Physics (2018)
BS, University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, Chickasha, OK, Physics (2015)
Selected Honors and Awards
Robert Shalek Fellowship (2015)
Dean’s List (2011 - 2015)
Regents’ Baccalaureate (2011 - 2015)
Patient-specific quality assurance of dynamically-collimated proton therapy treatment plans Medical physics
Bennett LC, Hyer DE, Vu J, Patwardhan K, Erhart K, Gutierrez AN, Pons E, Jensen E, Ubau M, Zapata J, Wroe A, Wake K, Nelson NP, Culberson WS, Smith BR, Hill PM, Flynn RT
2024 Sep;51(9):5901-5910. doi: 10.1002/mp.17295. Epub 2024 Jul 8.
BACKGROUND: The dynamic collimation system (DCS) provides energy layer-specific collimation for pencil beam scanning (PBS) proton therapy using two pairs of orthogonal nickel trimmer blades. While excellent measurement-to-calculation agreement has been demonstrated for simple cube-shaped DCS-trimmed dose distributions, no comparison of measurement and dose calculation has been made for patient-specific treatment plans.
PURPOSE: To validate a patient-specific quality assurance (PSQA) process for DCS-trimmed PBS treatment plans and evaluate the agreement between measured and calculated dose distributions.
METHODS: Three intracranial patient cases were considered. Standard uncollimated PBS and DCS-collimated treatment plans were generated for each patient using the Astroid treatment planning system (TPS). Plans were recalculated in a water phantom and delivered at the Miami Cancer Institute (MCI) using an Ion Beam Applications (IBA) dedicated nozzle system and prototype DCS. Planar dose measurements were acquired at two depths within low-gradient regions of the target volume using an IBA MatriXX ion chamber array.
RESULTS: Measured and calculated dose distributions were compared using 2D gamma analysis with 3%/3 mm criteria and low dose threshold of 10% of the maximum dose. Median gamma pass rates across all plans and measurement depths were 99.0% (PBS) and 98.3% (DCS), with a minimum gamma pass rate of 88.5% (PBS) and 91.2% (DCS).
CONCLUSIONS: The PSQA process has been validated and experimentally verified for DCS-collimated PBS. Dosimetric agreement between the measured and calculated doses was demonstrated to be similar for DCS-collimated PBS to that achievable with noncollimated PBS.
PMID:38977285 | PMC:PMC11781041 | DOI:10.1002/mp.17295
View details for PubMedID 38977285
PETRA: A pencil beam trimming algorithm for analytical proton therapy dose calculations with the dynamic collimation system Medical physics
Bennett LC, Hyer DE, Erhart K, Nelson NP, Culberson WS, Smith BR, Hill PM, Flynn RT
2023 Nov;50(11):7263-7280. doi: 10.1002/mp.16559. Epub 2023 Jun 27.
BACKGROUND: The Dynamic Collimation System (DCS) has been shown to produce superior treatment plans to uncollimated pencil beam scanning (PBS) proton therapy using an in-house treatment planning system (TPS) designed for research. Clinical implementation of the DCS requires the development and benchmarking of a rigorous dose calculation algorithm that accounts for pencil beam trimming, performs monitor unit calculations to produce deliverable plans at all beam energies, and is ideally implemented with a commercially available TPS.
PURPOSE: To present an analytical Pencil bEam TRimming Algorithm (PETRA) for the DCS, with and without its range shifter, implemented in the Astroid TPS (.decimal, Sanford, Florida, USA).
MATERIALS: PETRA was derived by generalizing an existing pencil beam dose calculation model to account for the DCS-specific effects of lateral penumbra blurring due to the nickel trimmers in two different planes, integral depth dose variation due to the trimming process, and the presence and absence of the range shifter. Tuning parameters were introduced to enable agreement between PETRA and a measurement-validated Dynamic Collimation Monte Carlo (DCMC) model of the Miami Cancer Institute's IBA Proteus Plus system equipped with the DCS. Trimmer position, spot position, beam energy, and the presence or absence of a range shifter were all used as variables for the characterization of the model. The model was calibrated for pencil beam monitor unit calculations using procedures specified by International Atomic Energy Agency Technical Report Series 398 (IAEA TRS-398).
RESULTS: The integral depth dose curves (IDDs) for energies between 70 MeV and 160 MeV among all simulated trimmer combinations, with and without the ranger shifter, agreed between PETRA and DCMC at the 1%/1 mm 1-D gamma criteria for 99.99% of points. For lateral dose profiles, the median 2-D gamma pass rate for all profiles at 1.5%/1.5 mm was 99.99% at the water phantom surface, plateau, and Bragg peak depths without the range shifter and at the surface and Bragg peak depths with the range shifter. The minimum 1.5%/1.5 mm gamma pass rates for the 2-D profiles at the water phantom surface without and with the range shifter were 98.02% and 97.91%, respectively, and, at the Bragg peak, the minimum pass rates were 97.80% and 97.5%, respectively.
CONCLUSION: The PETRA model for DCS dose calculations was successfully defined and benchmarked for use in a commercially available TPS.
PMID:37370239 | PMC:PMC10751389 | DOI:10.1002/mp.16559
View details for PubMedID 37370239
Innovations and the Use of Collimators in the Delivery of Pencil Beam Scanning Proton Therapy International journal of particle therapy
Hyer DE, Bennett LC, Geoghegan TJ, Bues M, Smith BR
2021 Jun 25;8(1):73-83. doi: 10.14338/IJPT-20-00039.1. eCollection 2021 Summer.
PURPOSE: The development of collimating technologies has become a recent focus in pencil beam scanning (PBS) proton therapy to improve the target conformity and healthy tissue sparing through field-specific or energy-layer-specific collimation. Given the growing popularity of collimators for low-energy treatments, the purpose of this work was to summarize the recent literature that has focused on the efficacy of collimators for PBS and highlight the development of clinical and preclinical collimators.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The collimators presented in this work were organized into 3 categories: per-field apertures, multileaf collimators (MLCs), and sliding-bar collimators. For each case, the system design and planning methodologies are summarized and intercompared from their existing literature. Energy-specific collimation is still a new paradigm in PBS and the 2 specific collimators tailored toward PBS are presented including the dynamic collimation system (DCS) and the Mevion Adaptive Aperture.
RESULTS: Collimation during PBS can improve the target conformity and associated healthy tissue and critical structure avoidance. Between energy-specific collimators and static apertures, static apertures have the poorest dose conformity owing to collimating only the largest projection of a target in the beam's eye view but still provide an improvement over uncollimated treatments. While an external collimator increases secondary neutron production, the benefit of collimating the primary beam appears to outweigh the risk. The greatest benefit has been observed for low- energy treatment sites.
CONCLUSION: The consensus from current literature supports the use of external collimators in PBS under certain conditions, namely low-energy treatments or where the nominal spot size is large. While many recent studies paint a supportive picture, it is also important to understand the limitations of collimation in PBS that are specific to each collimator type. The emergence and paradigm of energy-specific collimation holds many promises for PBS proton therapy.
PMID:34285937 | PMC:PMC8270095 | DOI:10.14338/IJPT-20-00039.1
View details for PubMedID 34285937
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