Headshot of Eric Wallat

Eric Wallat, PhD

Radiation Oncology Physics Resident

Department of Human Oncology



PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Medical Physics (2023)

MS, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Medical Physics (2020)

BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Nuclear Engineering (2017)

BS, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Physics (2017)

Selected Honors and Awards

Standard Imaging Travel Award (2022)

AAPM Summer Undergraduate Fellowship (2016)

Boards, Advisory Committees and Professional Organizations

American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), North Central Chapter (2016 - Present)

AAPM Working Group on Student and Trainee Research WGSTR Chair (2022 - 2023)

AAPM Working Group on Student and Trainee Research WGSTR Vice Chair (2022 - 2023)

AAPM Working Group on Student and Trainee Research (WGSTR) (2021 - Present)

AAPM Global Research and Scientific Innovation Committee Guest Member (GRSIC) (2023)

AAPM Research Committee Guest Member (2022 - Present)

What are your Clinical & Research Interests?

Functional lung sparing techniques, IGRT, and adaptive planning

Why did you choose to come to UW?

During my graduate education, I got to know many of the staff in the physics department and it was hard to imagine leaving! I knew that I would be in good hands and receive a world-class education during residency from everyone in the department.

Favorite part of residency, favorite rotation, or favorite thing about the program?

Looking forward to the brachytherapy rotation and love the willingness of everybody in the department to answer questions and help when needed!

Favorite thing to do in Madison?

Not much beats sitting at the Memorial Union Terrace with friends on a summer day!

Fun fact about yourself or things you like to do for fun?

I love coffee (and all the different ways to brew it).

  • A Phase 2 Randomized Clinical Trial Evaluating 4-Dimensional Computed Tomography Ventilation-Based Functional Lung Avoidance Radiation Therapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics
    Baschnagel AM, Flakus MJ, Wallat EM, Wuschner AE, Chappell RJ, Bayliss RA, Kimple RJ, Christensen GE, Reinhardt JM, Bassetti MF, Bayouth JE
    2024 Aug 1;119(5):1393-1402. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2024.02.019. Epub 2024 Feb 20.
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      PURPOSE: To determine whether 4-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT) ventilation-based functional lung avoidance radiation therapy preserves pulmonary function compared with standard radiation therapy for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

      METHODS AND MATERIALS: This single center, randomized, phase 2 trial enrolled patients with NSCLC receiving curative intent radiation therapy with either stereotactic body radiation therapy or conventionally fractionated radiation therapy between 2016 and 2022. Patients were randomized 1:1 to standard of care radiation therapy or functional lung avoidance radiation therapy. The primary endpoint was the change in Jacobian-based ventilation as measured on 4DCT from baseline to 3 months postradiation. Secondary endpoints included changes in volume of high- and low-ventilating lung, pulmonary toxicity, and changes in pulmonary function tests (PFTs).

      RESULTS: A total of 122 patients were randomized and 116 were available for analysis. Median follow up was 29.9 months. Functional avoidance plans significantly (P < .05) reduced dose to high-functioning lung without compromising target coverage or organs at risk constraints. When analyzing all patients, there was no difference in the amount of lung showing a reduction in ventilation from baseline to 3 months between the 2 arms (1.91% vs 1.87%; P = .90). Overall grade ≥2 and grade ≥3 pulmonary toxicities for all patients were 24.1% and 8.6%, respectively. There was no significant difference in pulmonary toxicity or changes in PFTs between the 2 study arms. In the conventionally fractionated cohort, there was a lower rate of grade ≥2 pneumonitis (8.2% vs 32.3%; P = .049) and less of a decline in change in forced expiratory volume in 1 second (-3 vs -5; P = .042) and forced vital capacity (1.5 vs -6; P = .005) at 3 months, favoring the functional avoidance arm.

      CONCLUSIONS: There was no difference in posttreatment ventilation as measured by 4DCT between the arms. In the cohort of patients treated with conventionally fractionated radiation therapy with functional lung avoidance, there was reduced pulmonary toxicity, and less decline in PFTs suggesting a clinical benefit in patients with locally advanced NSCLC.

      PMID:38387810 | DOI:10.1016/j.ijrobp.2024.02.019

      View details for PubMedID 38387810
  • Validation of CT-based ventilation and perfusion biomarkers with histopathology confirms radiation-induced pulmonary changes in a porcine model Scientific reports
    Flakus MJ, Wuschner AE, Wallat EM, Graham M, Shao W, Shanmuganayagam D, Christensen GE, Reinhardt JM, Bayouth JE
    2023 Jun 9;13(1):9377. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-36292-0.
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      Imaging biomarkers can assess disease progression or prognoses and are valuable tools to help guide interventions. Particularly in lung imaging, biomarkers present an opportunity to extract regional information that is more robust to the patient's condition prior to intervention than current gold standard pulmonary function tests (PFTs). This regional aspect has particular use in functional avoidance radiation therapy (RT) in which treatment planning is optimized to avoid regions of high function with the goal of sparing functional lung and improving patient quality of life post-RT. To execute functional avoidance, detailed dose-response models need to be developed to identify regions which should be protected. Previous studies have begun to do this, but for these models to be clinically translated, they need to be validated. This work validates two metrics that encompass the main components of lung function (ventilation and perfusion) through post-mortem histopathology performed in a novel porcine model. With these methods validated, we can use them to study the nuanced radiation-induced changes in lung function and develop more advanced models.

      PMID:37296169 | PMC:PMC10256800 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-023-36292-0

      View details for PubMedID 37296169
  • Robust quantification of CT-ventilation biomarker techniques and repeatability in a porcine model Medical physics
    Flakus MJ, Wuschner AE, Wallat EM, Shao W, Meudt J, Shanmuganayagam D, Christensen GE, Reinhardt JM, Bayouth JE
    2023 Oct;50(10):6366-6378. doi: 10.1002/mp.16400. Epub 2023 Apr 7.
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      BACKGROUND: Biomarkers estimating local lung ventilation have been derived from computed tomography (CT) imaging using various image acquisition and post-processing techniques. CT-ventilation biomarkers have potential clinical use in functional avoidance radiation therapy (RT), in which RT treatment plans are optimized to reduce dose delivered to highly ventilated lung. Widespread clinical implementation of CT-ventilation biomarkers necessitates understanding of biomarker repeatability. Performing imaging within a highly controlled experimental design enables quantification of error associated with remaining variables.

      PURPOSE: To characterize CT-ventilation biomarker repeatability and dependence on image acquisition and post-processing methodology in anesthetized and mechanically ventilated pigs.

      METHODS: Five mechanically ventilated Wisconsin Miniature Swine (WMS) received multiple consecutive four-dimensional CT (4DCT) and maximum inhale and exhale breath-hold CT (BH-CT) scans on five dates to generate CT-ventilation biomarkers. Breathing maneuvers were controlled with an average tidal volume difference <200 cc. As surrogates for ventilation, multiple local expansion ratios (LERs) were calculated from the acquired CT scans using Jacobian-based post-processing techniques. L E R 2 $LER_2$ measured local expansion between an image pair using either inhale and exhale BH-CT images or two 4DCT breathing phase images. L E R N $LER_N$ measured the maximum local expansion across the 4DCT breathing phase images. Breathing maneuver consistency, intra- and interday biomarker repeatability, image acquisition and post-processing technique dependence were quantitatively analyzed.

      RESULTS: Biomarkers showed strong agreement with voxel-wise Spearman correlation ρ > 0.9 $\rho &gt; 0.9$ for intraday repeatability and ρ > 0.8 $\rho &gt; 0.8$ for all other comparisons, including between image acquisition techniques. Intra- and interday repeatability were significantly different (p < 0.01). LER2 and LERN post-processing did not significantly affect intraday repeatability.

      CONCLUSIONS: 4DCT and BH-CT ventilation biomarkers derived from consecutive scans show strong agreement in controlled experiments with nonhuman subjects.

      PMID:36999913 | PMC:PMC10544701 | DOI:10.1002/mp.16400

      View details for PubMedID 36999913
  • Quantifying robustness of CT-ventilation biomarkers to image noise Frontiers in physiology
    Flakus MJ, Wuschner AE, Wallat EM, Shao W, Shanmuganayagam D, Christensen GE, Reinhardt JM, Li K, Bayouth JE
    2023 Feb 14;14:1040028. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2023.1040028. eCollection 2023.
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      Purpose: To quantify the impact of image noise on CT-based lung ventilation biomarkers calculated using Jacobian determinant techniques. Methods: Five mechanically ventilated swine were imaged on a multi-row CT scanner with acquisition parameters of 120 kVp and 0.6 mm slice thickness in static and 4-dimensional CT (4DCT) modes with respective pitches of 1 and 0.09. A range of tube current time product (mAs) values were used to vary image dose. On two dates, subjects received two 4DCTs: one with 10 mAs/rotation (low-dose, high-noise) and one with CT simulation standard of care 100 mAs/rotation (high-dose, low-noise). Additionally, 10 intermediate noise level breath-hold (BHCT) scans were acquired with inspiratory and expiratory lung volumes. Images were reconstructed with and without iterative reconstruction (IR) using 1 mm slice thickness. The Jacobian determinant of an estimated transformation from a B-spline deformable image registration was used to create CT-ventilation biomarkers estimating lung tissue expansion. 24 CT-ventilation maps were generated per subject per scan date: four 4DCT ventilation maps (two noise levels each with and without IR) and 20 BHCT ventilation maps (10 noise levels each with and without IR). Biomarkers derived from reduced dose scans were registered to the reference full dose scan for comparison. Evaluation metrics were gamma pass rate (Γ) with 2 mm distance-to-agreement and 6% intensity criterion, voxel-wise Spearman correlation (ρ) and Jacobian ratio coefficient of variation (CoV JR ). Results: Comparing biomarkers derived from low (CTDI vol = 6.07 mGy) and high (CTDI vol = 60.7 mGy) dose 4DCT scans, mean Γ, ρ and CoV JR values were 93% ± 3%, 0.88 ± 0.03 and 0.04 ± 0.009, respectively. With IR applied, those values were 93% ± 4%, 0.90 ± 0.04 and 0.03 ± 0.003. Similarly, comparisons between BHCT-based biomarkers with variable dose (CTDI vol = 1.35-7.95 mGy) had mean Γ, ρ and CoV JR of 93% ± 4%, 0.97 ± 0.02 and 0.03 ± 0.006 without IR and 93% ± 4%, 0.97 ± 0.03 and 0.03 ± 0.007 with IR. Applying IR did not significantly change any metrics (p > 0.05). Discussion: This work demonstrated that CT-ventilation, calculated using the Jacobian determinant of an estimated transformation from a B-spline deformable image registration, is invariant to Hounsfield Unit (HU) variation caused by image noise. This advantageous finding may be leveraged clinically with potential applications including dose reduction and/or acquiring repeated low-dose acquisitions for improved ventilation characterization.

      PMID:36866176 | PMC:PMC9971492 | DOI:10.3389/fphys.2023.1040028

      View details for PubMedID 36866176
  • Metrics of dose to highly ventilated lung are predictive of radiation-induced pneumonitis in lung cancer patients Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
    Flakus MJ, Kent SP, Wallat EM, Wuschner AE, Tennant E, Yadav P, Burr A, Yu M, Christensen GE, Reinhardt JM, Bayouth JE, Baschnagel AM
    2023 May;182:109553. doi: 10.1016/j.radonc.2023.109553. Epub 2023 Feb 20.
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      PURPOSE: To identify metrics of radiation dose delivered to highly ventilated lung that are predictive of radiation-induced pneumonitis.

      METHODS AND MATERIALS: A cohort of 90 patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer treated with standard fractionated radiation therapy (RT) (60-66 Gy in 30-33 fractions) were evaluated. Regional lung ventilation was determined from pre-RT 4-dimensional computed tomography (4DCT) using the Jacobian determinant of a B-spline deformable image registration to estimate lung tissue expansion during respiration. Multiple voxel-wise population- and individual-based thresholds for defining high functioning lung were considered. Mean dose and volumes receiving dose ≥ 5-60 Gy were analyzed for both total lung-ITV (MLD,V5-V60) and highly ventilated functional lung-ITV (fMLD,fV5-fV60). The primary endpoint was symptomatic grade 2+ (G2+) pneumonitis. Receiver operator curve (ROC) analyses were used to identify predictors of pneumonitis.

      RESULTS: G2+ pneumonitis occurred in 22.2% of patients, with no differences between stage, smoking status, COPD, or chemo/immunotherapy use between G<2 and G2+ patients (P≥ 0.18). Highly ventilated lung was defined as voxels exceeding the population-wide median of 18% voxel-level expansion. All total and functional metrics were significantly different between patients with and without pneumonitis (P≤ 0.039). Optimal ROC points predicting pneumonitis from functional lung dose were fMLD ≤ 12.3 Gy, fV5 ≤ 54% and fV20 ≤ 19 %. Patients with fMLD ≤ 12.3 Gy had a 14% risk of developing G2+ pneumonitis whereas risk significantly increased to 35% for those with fMLD > 12.3 Gy (P = 0.035).

      CONCLUSIONS: Dose to highly ventilated lung is associated with symptomatic pneumonitis and treatment planning strategies should focus on limiting dose to functional regions. These findings provide important metrics to be used in functional lung avoidance RT planning and designing clinical trials.

      PMID:36813178 | PMC:PMC10283046 | DOI:10.1016/j.radonc.2023.109553

      View details for PubMedID 36813178
  • Predicting pulmonary ventilation damage after radiation therapy for nonsmall cell lung cancer using a ResNet generative adversarial network Medical physics
    Wallat EM, Wuschner AE, Flakus MJ, Gerard SE, Christensen GE, Reinhardt JM, Bayouth JE
    2023 May;50(5):3199-3209. doi: 10.1002/mp.16311. Epub 2023 Feb 22.
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      BACKGROUND: Functional lung avoidance radiation therapy (RT) is a technique being investigated to preferentially avoid specific regions of the lung that are predicted to be more susceptible to radiation-induced damage. Reducing the dose delivered to high functioning regions may reduce the occurrence radiation-induced lung injuries (RILIs) and toxicities. However, in order to develop effective lung function-sparing plans, accurate predictions of post-RT ventilation change are needed to determine which regions of the lung should be spared.

      PURPOSE: To predict pulmonary ventilation change following RT for nonsmall cell lung cancer using machine learning.

      METHODS: A conditional generative adversarial network (cGAN) was developed with data from 82 human subjects enrolled in a randomized clinical trial approved by the institution's IRB to predict post-RT pulmonary ventilation change. The inputs to the network were the pre-RT pulmonary ventilation map and radiation dose distribution. The loss function was a combination of the binary cross-entropy loss and an asymmetrical structural similarity index measure (aSSIM) function designed to increase penalization of under-prediction of ventilation damage. Network performance was evaluated against a previously developed polynomial regression model using a paired sample t-test for comparison. Evaluation was performed using eight-fold cross-validation.

      RESULTS: From the eight-fold cross-validation, we found that relative to the polynomial model, the cGAN model significantly improved predicting regions of ventilation damage following radiotherapy based on true positive rate (TPR), 0.14±0.15 to 0.72±0.21, and Dice similarity coefficient (DSC), 0.19±0.16 to 0.46±0.14, but significantly declined in true negative rate, 0.97±0.05 to 0.62±0.21, and accuracy, 0.79±0.08 to 0.65±0.14. Additionally, the average true positive volume increased from 104±119 cc in the POLY model to 565±332 cc in the cGAN model, and the average false negative volume decreased from 654±361 cc in the POLY model to 193±163 cc in the cGAN model.

      CONCLUSIONS: The proposed cGAN model demonstrated significant improvement in TPR and DSC. The higher sensitivity of the cGAN model can improve the clinical utility of functional lung avoidance RT by identifying larger volumes of functional lung that can be spared and thus decrease the probability of the patient developing RILIs.

      PMID:36779695 | DOI:10.1002/mp.16311

      View details for PubMedID 36779695
  • CT-derived vessel segmentation for analysis of post-radiation therapy changes in vasculature and perfusion Frontiers in physiology
    Wuschner AE, Flakus MJ, Wallat EM, Reinhardt JM, Shanmuganayagam D, Christensen GE, Gerard SE, Bayouth JE
    2022 Oct 17;13:1008526. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2022.1008526. eCollection 2022.
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      Vessel segmentation in the lung is an ongoing challenge. While many methods have been able to successfully identify vessels in normal, healthy, lungs, these methods struggle in the presence of abnormalities. Following radiotherapy, these methods tend to identify regions of radiographic change due to post-radiation therapytoxicities as vasculature falsely. By combining texture analysis and existing vasculature and masking techniques, we have developed a novel vasculature segmentation workflow that improves specificity in irradiated lung while preserving the sensitivity of detection in the rest of the lung. Furthermore, radiation dose has been shown to cause vascular injury as well as reduce pulmonary function post-RT. This work shows the improvements our novel vascular segmentation method provides relative to existing methods. Additionally, we use this workflow to show a dose dependent radiation-induced change in vasculature which is correlated with previously measured perfusion changes (R 2 = 0.72) in both directly irradiated and indirectly damaged regions of perfusion. These results present an opportunity to extend non-contrast CT-derived models of functional change following radiation therapy.

      PMID:36324304 | PMC:PMC9619090 | DOI:10.3389/fphys.2022.1008526

      View details for PubMedID 36324304
  • Measuring Indirect Radiation-Induced Perfusion Change in Fed Vasculature Using Dynamic Contrast CT Journal of personalized medicine
    Wuschner AE, Flakus MJ, Wallat EM, Reinhardt JM, Shanmuganayagam D, Christensen GE, Bayouth JE
    2022 Jul 30;12(8):1254. doi: 10.3390/jpm12081254.
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      Recent functional lung imaging studies have presented evidence of an “indirect effect” on perfusion damage, where regions that are unirradiated or lowly irradiated but that are supplied by highly irradiated regions observe perfusion damage post-radiation therapy (RT). The purpose of this work was to investigate this effect using a contrast-enhanced dynamic CT protocol to measure perfusion change in five novel swine subjects. A cohort of five Wisconsin Miniature Swine (WMS) were given a research course of 60 Gy in five fractions delivered locally to a vessel in the lung using an Accuray Radixact tomotherapy system with Synchrony motion tracking to increase delivery accuracy. Imaging was performed prior to delivering RT and 3 months post-RT to yield a 28−36 frame image series showing contrast flowing in and out of the vasculature. Using MIM software, contours were placed in six vessels on each animal to yield a contrast flow curve for each vessel. The contours were placed as follows: one at the point of max dose, one low-irradiated (5−20 Gy) branching from the max dose vessel, one low-irradiated (5−20 Gy) not branching from the max dose vessel, one unirradiated (<5 Gy) branching from the max dose vessel, one unirradiated (<5 Gy) not branching from the max dose vessel, and one in the contralateral lung. Seven measurements (baseline-to-baseline time and difference, slope up and down, max rise and value, and area under the curve) were acquired for each vessel’s contrast flow curve in each subject. Paired Student t-tests showed statistically significant (p < 0.05) reductions in the area under the curve in the max dose, and both fed contours indicating an overall reduction in contrast in these regions. Additionally, there were statistically significant reductions observed when comparing pre- and post-RT in slope up and down in the max dose, low-dose fed, and no-dose fed contours but not the low-dose not-fed, no-dose not-fed, or contralateral contours. These findings suggest an indirect damage effect where irradiation of the vasculature causes a reduction in perfusion in irradiated regions as well as regions fed by the irradiated vasculature.

      PMID:36013203 | PMC:PMC9410208 | DOI:10.3390/jpm12081254

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  • Radiation-induced airway changes and downstream ventilation decline in a swine model Biomedical physics & engineering express
    Wallat EM, Wuschner AE, Flakus MJ, Christensen GE, Reinhardt JM, Shanmuganayagam D, Bayouth JE
    2021 Oct 29;7(6):10.1088/2057-1976/ac3197. doi: 10.1088/2057-1976/ac3197.
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      Purpose.To investigate indirect radiation-induced changes in airways as precursors to atelectasis post radiation therapy (RT).Methods.Three Wisconsin Miniature Swine (WMSTM) underwent a research course of 60 Gy in 5 fractions delivered to a targeted airway/vessel in the inferior left lung. The right lung received a max point dose <5 Gy. Airway segmentation was performed on the pre- and three months post-RT maximum inhale phase of the four-dimensional (4D) computed tomography (CT) scans. Changes in luminal area (Ai) and square root of wall area (WA) for each airway were investigated. Changes in ventilation were assessed using the Jacobian ratio and were measured in three different regions: the inferior left lung <5 Gy (ILL), the superior left lung <5 Gy (SLL), and the contralateral right lung <5 Gy (RL).Results.Airways (n = 25) in the right lung for all swine showed no significant changes (p = 0.48) in Ai post-RT compared to pre-RT. Airways (n = 28) in the left lung of all swine were found to have a significant decrease (p < 0.001) in Ai post-RT compared to pre-RT, correlated (Pearson R = -0.97) with airway dose. Additionally,WAdecreased significantly (p < 0.001) with airway dose. Lastly, the Jacobian ratio of the ILL (0.883) was lower than that of the SLL (0.932) and the RL (0.955).Conclusions.This work shows that for the swine analyzed, there were significant correlations between Ai andWAchange with radiation dose. Additionally, there was a decrease in lung function in the regions of the lung supplied by the irradiated airways compared to the regions supplied by unirradiated airways. These results support the hypothesis that airway dose should be considered during treatment planning in order to potentially preserve functional lung and reduce lung toxicities.

      PMID:34670195 | PMC:PMC8785227 | DOI:10.1088/2057-1976/ac3197

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  • Radiation-induced Hounsfield unit change correlates with dynamic CT perfusion better than 4DCT-based ventilation measures in a novel-swine model Scientific reports
    Wuschner AE, Wallat EM, Flakus MJ, Shanmuganayagam D, Meudt J, Christensen GE, Reinhardt JM, Miller JR, Lawless MJ, Baschnagel AM, Bayouth JE
    2021 Jun 23;11(1):13156. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-92609-x.
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      To analyze radiation induced changes in Hounsfield units and determine their correlation with changes in perfusion and ventilation. Additionally, to compare the post-RT changes in human subjects to those measured in a swine model used to quantify perfusion changes and validate their use as a preclinical model. A cohort of 5 Wisconsin Miniature Swine (WMS) were studied. Additionally, 19 human subjects were recruited as part of an IRB approved clinical trial studying functional avoidance radiation therapy for lung cancer and were treated with SBRT. Imaging (a contrast enhanced dynamic perfusion CT in the swine and 4DCT in the humans) was performed prior to and post-RT. Jacobian elasticity maps were calculated on all 4DCT images. Contours were created from the isodose lines to discretize analysis into 10 Gy dose bins. B-spline deformable image registration allowed for voxel-by-voxel comparative analysis in these contours between timepoints. The WMS underwent a research course of 60 Gy in 5 fractions delivered locally to a target in the lung using an MRI-LINAC system. In the WMS subjects, the dose-bin contours were copied onto the contralateral lung, which received < 5 Gy for comparison. Changes in HU and changes in Jacobian were analyzed in these contours. Statistically significant (p < 0.05) changes in the mean HU value post-RT compared to pre-RT were observed in both the human and WMS groups at all timepoints analyzed. The HU increased linearly with dose for both groups. Strong linear correlation was observed between the changes seen in the swine and humans (Pearson coefficient > 0.97, p < 0.05) at all timepoints. Changes seen in the swine closely modeled the changes seen in the humans at 12 months post RT (slope = 0.95). Jacobian analysis showed between 30 and 60% of voxels were damaged post-RT. Perfusion analysis in the swine showed a statistically significant (p < 0.05) reduction in contrast inside the vasculature 3 months post-RT compared to pre-RT. The increases in contrast outside the vasculature was strongly correlated (Pearson Correlation 0.88) with the reduction in HU inside the vasculature but were not correlated with the changes in Jacobians. Radiation induces changes in pulmonary anatomy at 3 months post-RT, with a strong linear correlation with dose. The change in HU seen in the non-vessel lung parenchyma suggests this metric is a potential biomarker for change in perfusion. Finally, this work suggests that the WMS swine model is a promising pre-clinical model for analyzing radiation-induced changes in humans and poses several benefits over conventional swine models.

      PMID:34162987 | PMC:PMC8222280 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-92609-x

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  • Modeling the impact of out-of-phase ventilation on normal lung tissue response to radiation dose Medical physics
    Wallat EM, Flakus MJ, Wuschner AE, Shao W, Christensen GE, Reinhardt JM, Baschnagel AM, Bayouth JE
    2020 Jul;47(7):3233-3242. doi: 10.1002/mp.14146. Epub 2020 Apr 13.
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      PURPOSE: To create a dose-response model that predicts lung ventilation change following radiation therapy, and examine the effects of out-of-phase ventilation.

      METHODS: The dose-response model was built using 27 human subjects who underwent radiation therapy (RT) from an IRB-approved trial. For each four-dimensional computed tomography, two ventilation maps were created by calculating the N-phase local expansion ratio (LERN ) using most or all breathing phases and the 2-phase LER (LER2 ) using only the end inspiration and end expiration breathing phases. A polynomial regression model was created using the LERN ventilation maps pre-RT and post-RT and dose distributions for each subject, and crossvalidated with a leave-one-out method. Further validation of the model was performed using 15 additional human subjects using common statistical operating characteristics and gamma pass rates.

      RESULTS: For voxels receiving 20 Gy or greater, there was a significant increase from 52% to 59% (P = 0.03) in the gamma pass rates of the LERN model predicted post-RT Jacobian maps to the actual post-RT Jacobian maps, relative to the LER2 model. Additionally, accuracy significantly increased (P = 0.03) from 68% to 75% using the LERN model, relative to the LER2 model.

      CONCLUSIONS: The LERN model was significantly more accurate than the LER2 model at predicting post-RT ventilation maps. More accurate post-RT ventilation maps will aid in producing a higher quality functional avoidance treatment plan, allowing for potentially better normal tissue sparing.

      PMID:32187683 | PMC:PMC9486957 | DOI:10.1002/mp.14146

      View details for PubMedID 32187683

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