Memorial Union Terrace

Bentson Translational Research Fellowship

About the Bentson Fellowship

Pippa Cosper, MD, PhD, Director, Bentson Fellowship

The University of Wisconsin Bentson Translational Research Fellowship supports highly motivated and well-qualified individuals seeking a career in translational cancer research as they navigate the challenging transition from trainee to independent investigator in academic faculty positions. This transition continues to pose many challenges for aspiring translational researchers. Without dedicated support of such individuals, the field of cancer research risks missing out on the lifetime contributions of some of our most promising and innovative individuals. By providing 2-3 years of protected research time, formal mentorship, individualized career development planning, experience with grant and manuscript writing, and opportunities for recognition and networking at national research meetings, we prepare each Bentson Fellow to be competitive for the highest level faculty positions at major academic cancer centers and for success upon entering these roles.


Candidates must have completed their MD, PhD or combined MD/PhD degree to apply for a position as a UW Bentson Translational Research Fellow.