News Archive


Paul Harari, MDPaul Harari, MD, FASTRO, was honored October 1st by the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) as a Gold Medal recipient. This honor is bestowed upon leaders in the field who have made significant contributions through patient care, research, teaching, mentorship and service throughout their career.

Ceremony video available here

In Memorium

Catherine Reznikoff, former faculty member and Professor Emeritus of the Department of Human Oncology, passed away in September.


Portrait of Mustafa BasreeMustafa Basree, DO, MS, a current Department of Human Oncology Resident, was recently selected as ASTRO’s 2025 Government Relations Resident Fellow. We are so proud of Dr. Basree and this opportunity!

ASTRO 2024 logoASTRO 2024 Conference

Congratulations to all of our Department of Human Oncology (DHO) presenters, co-authors, and session moderators for their strong contributions to the 2024 annual ASTRO meeting held in Washington DC Sunday, September 29th through Wednesday, October 2nd.

Belinda Buehl Published in NRG OncologyHeadshot of Belinda Buehl

The DHO Regulatory Coordinator for clinical research, Belinda Buehl, published a Delegation of Tasks Log Overview for cooperative group, NRG Oncology.

Dr. Kristin Bradley Awarded Educator of the YearKristin Bradley, MD headshot

Dr. Kristin Bradley has been awarded the 2023-2024 Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology (ARRO) Educator of the Year Award. This prestigious award recognizes Dr. Bradley’s exceptional dedication to resident education as the longstanding residency program director and primary gynecologic brachytherapy educator.

Alison Arnold wins Physics Educator of the YearPicture of Alison and two residents with award

This year’s Physics Educator Award went to Alison Arnold, MS who always goes above and beyond to help physics and physicians learn.


Dr. Zachary Morris named chair of Human OncologyZachary Morris headshot

Dr. Zachary Morris, a leading expert on innovative approaches to cancer therapy, will be the next chair of the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health Department of Human Oncology effective June 2.

Framed, labeled headshots of Jessica Schuster, MD, FACRO and Christoper Jahraus, MD, FACROACRO announces DHO’s Jessica Schuster, MD as URiE Editor-in-Chief

The American College of Radiation Oncology is proud to announce the leadership for CURiE: Contemporary Updates: Radiotherapy Innovation & Evidence, a cutting-edge publication through the Cureus Journal of Medical Science.

Jessica Schuster, MD, FACRO will serve as CURiE Editor-in-Chief.

2023 Human Oncology and Radiation Oncology Departmental Group PhotoFaculty, Residents and APPs 2023

A framed version of this 2023 DHO formal photograph (and multiple prior years) was mounted this week in the Radiation Oncology clinic and K4/4th floor DHO administrative hub. Take a brief tour of these images anytime.

Bhudatt Paliwal headshotDr. Bhudatt Paliwal marks 50 years of cancer research excellence

In the world of medicine, some individuals stand out not only for their knowledge and expertise but also for their unwavering commitment to innovation and improving the lives of patients. Dr. Bhudatt Paliwal, professor emeritus in the Departments of Human Oncology and Medical Physics, is one such luminary: he is celebrating 50 years of helping to advance life-saving discoveries in cancer research and radiation therapy.

Dr. Bethany Anderson lecturing at the NRG Oncology conferenceDr. Anderson presents at NRG Oncology conference

At the July NRG Oncology conference in Philadelphia, Dr. Anderson provided a “Radiation 101” presentation to over 400 NRG Oncology Clinical Research Associates and Clinical Research Nurses.

DHO Graduating Residents’ Farewell 2023

The Department of Human Oncology recently celebrated three incredibly talented resident graduates at Cooper’s Tavern to honor completion of their training programs in June 2023. Christina Breeze, Emily Merfeld and Lindsay Bodart were lavished with praise and certificates commemorating their milestone achievements.

Dr. Quaovi Sodji receiving certificate from Dr. Zach Morris

Dr. Quaovi Sodji completes his Bentson Fellowship

Dr. Quaovi Sodji recently completed his Bentson Translational Research Fellowship at the University of Wisconsin in the Department of Human Oncology. Dr. Sodji has now been recruited to join the faculty of the Department of Human Oncology as a tenure-track assistant professor and he will continue his translational research here.

Portrait of Dr. Bnejamin Durkee, MD, PhDDr. Ben Durkee wins Educator of the Year Award

Dr. Benjamin Durkee recently received the 2022 – 2023 Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology (ARRO) Educator of the Year Award. This distinguished recognition celebrates Dr. Durkee’s dedication to teaching and mentoring residents.

Christine Glitchev receiving Award at eceiving award at UW Madison 2022-2023 Chancellor’s Undergrauate Awards Ceremony Monday, May 1,2023 UW Union South.Four DHO Undergraduate Researchers Win Awards in Summer 2023

The Department of Human Oncology (DHO) is dedicated to mentoring undergraduate researchers. By working in the department’s labs, students learn from world-class scientists, contribute to the department’s research agenda, and gain experience that can have a lasting impact on their future careers. This year, four undergraduates who work with DHO scientists have recently been recognized for their research.

Peter Mahler, MD, PhD headshotDr. Peter Mahler Retires after 32 years as a Cancer Physician/Scientist

Professor Peter Mahler, PhD, MD,  Department of Human Oncology, retired on February 28, 2023 after a long association with the University of Wisconsin. His career has taken him from the Midwest to the Eastern Great Lakes to the West Coast and then back to Wisconsin.

DHO Halloween Fun 2022!

Each year, faculty and staff in the UW Health Radiation Oncology Clinic/Department of Human Oncology bring a welcome dose of light-hearted fun to patients and their loved ones by wearing Halloween costumes. Check out the awesome costumes from this year’s celebration!

Dr. Zachary Morris Honored at SMPH Faculty Investiture Celebration

Dr. Zachary Morris, associate professor in the Department of Human Oncology, was honored at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH) inaugural Faculty Investiture Celebration for receiving the Human Oncology Professorship in 2021.

DHO Hosts Visiting Professor Dr. Matthew Witek

The Department of Human Oncology (DHO) recently hosted Visiting Professor Dr. Matthew Witek, an associate professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and medical director at the Maryland Proton Treatment Center.

Abigail Besemer headshotNew Faculty Member: Abby Besemer, PhD, DABR

Dr. Abby Besemer joined the Department of Human Oncology (DHO) as an assistant professor in August 2022 after serving as an assistant professor in the Radiation Oncology Department at the University of Nebraska Medical Center since 2018. Her joining DHO is a homecoming—she completed her radiation oncology physics residency and PhD in medical physics at the University of Wisconsin.

DHO Members Share Their Expertise at AAPM Meeting

Members of the Department of Human Oncology (DHO) shared their wide-ranging expertise in more than 30 sessions at the 2022 American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Annual Meeting recently held in Washington, DC. Read more.

headshot of Quaovi SodjiDHO Welcomes Bentson Translational Research Fellow Dr. Quaovi Sodji

The Department of Human Oncology (DHO) welcomed its new Bentson Translational Research Fellow Dr. Quaovi Sodji in August. Read more.

Two DHO Undergraduate Researchers Win Awards

The Department of Human Oncology (DHO) is dedicated to mentoring undergraduate researchers. By working in the department’s labs, students learn from world-class scientists, contribute to the department’s research agenda, and gain experience that can have a lasting impact on their future careers. Two undergraduates who work with DHO scientists have recently been recognized for their research. Read more.

Jennie Crosby imageNew Faculty Member: Jennie Crosby, PhD

Dr. Jennie Crosby joined the Department of Human Oncology (DHO) as an assistant professor in July 2022 after completing her radiation oncology physics residency in the department. Read more.

Grace Blitzer, MDNew Faculty Member: Grace Blitzer, MD

Dr. Grace Blitzer joined the Department of Human Oncology (DHO) as an assistant professor in July 2022 after completing her radiation oncology residency in the department. Read more.

Pippa Cosper, MD, PhDNew Faculty Member: Pippa Cosper, MD, PhD

Dr. Pippa Cosper joined the Department of Human Oncology (DHO) as an assistant professor in July 2022, after completing her Bentson Translational Research Fellowship in 2021 and serving as a DHO instructor for a year. Read more.

Randall Kimple, MD, PhDDHO Associate Professor Randy Kimple Named ASTRO Fellow

Dr. Randy Kimple, associate professor in the Department of Human Oncology (DHO), has been selected for the designation of Fellow of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (FASTRO) in recognition of his contributions to the field of radiation oncology. He will receive this honor at an awards ceremony in San Antonio on Oct. 25 during ASTRO’s 64th Annual Meeting. Read more.

DHO Celebrates 2022 Graduates

The Department of Human Oncology (DHO) recently celebrated the graduation of two radiation oncology residents, two radiation oncology physics residents, and a Bentson Translational Research Fellow. Read more.

group photo of 2022 radiobiology courseDHO Professor Bert Van Der Kogel Shares Essential Radiobiology Knowledge with Trainees

Department of Human Oncology Professor Dr. Bert van der Kogel is a world-renowned radiobiology expert. Over the past 35 years he has provided radiobiology instruction to various trainees around the globe, including a daylong course for University of Wisconsin radiation oncology residents. These sessions offer a unique combination of research-based and clinical insights on topics such as fractionation and overall treatment time, dose rate effect, normal tissue response, and re-treatment tolerance. Read more.

AACR Recognizes Two Exceptional Kimple Lab Researchers

Two outstanding researchers in the Kimple Lab won awards at the 2022 American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) Annual Meeting. Read more.

Jessica Schuster, MDDr. Jessica Schuster Earns ACRO Fellowship

Dr. Jessica Schuster, an associate clinical professor in the Department of Human Oncology, was named a fellow of the American College of Radiation Oncology (ACRO) at the ACRO 2022 Radiation Oncology Summit. Read more.

Headshot of Jordan SlagowskiDHO Welcomes New Faculty Member Jordan Slagowski, PhD, DABR

Dr. Jordan Slagowski, who earned his PhD in medical physics at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, completed his residency in radiation oncology physics at MD Anderson Cancer Center, and most recently served as an assistant professor of radiation and cellular oncology at the University of Chicago, joined the Department of Human Oncology as an assistant professor in January. Read more.

portrait of Alison Arnold, DHO staff physicistDHO Welcomes New Medical Physicist Alison Arnold

Alison Arnold, who earned her MS in medical physics at Oregon State University/Oregon Health and Science University and most recently served as chief medical physicist at Turville Bay Radiation Oncology Center in Madison, joined the Department of Human Oncology as a staff medical physicist in December. Read more.


Zachary Morris headshotDr. Zachary Morris and Team Earn 2021 WARF Innovation Award

Dr. Zachary Morris, associate professor in the Department of Human Oncology (DHO), and an interdisciplinary team of researchers earned a 2021 Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF) Innovation Award for their project, “Nanoparticle to Render Tumors More Susceptible to Treatment.” Read more.

Randall Kimple, MD, PhDKimple Lab Awarded Two Grants to Advance Head and Neck Cancer Research

The Kimple Lab was recently awarded two grants to advance head and neck cancer research. One is a $2.6 million grant from the National Cancer Institute for research aimed at improving the use of patient-derived xenografts animal models. The other is a $2 million grant from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research to investigate a treatment for radiation-induced xerostomia (dry mouth). Read more.

outdoor group photo of attendees of the 2021 Department of Human Oncology Research RetreatDHO Faculty Share Research at 2021 Retreat

The Department of Human Oncology (DHO) recently held a Research Retreat at Epic Systems Headquarters in Verona to share research, celebrate successes, and explore new research opportunities. Read more.

Shuang (George) ZhaoDr. Shuang (George) Zhao Earns NIH High Risk, High Reward Innovator Award

Dr. Shuang (George) Zhao, an assistant professor in the Department of Human Oncology, has earned a National Institutes of Health 2021 High Risk, High Reward New Innovator Award for research aimed at understanding the dynamic evolution of treatment-resistant cancers. Read more.

Portrait of Tara Tyson, PhD, assistant professor, Department of Human OncologyNew DHO Faculty Member: Tara Tyson, PhD

Dr. Tara Tyson, who earned her PhD in medical physics at the State University of New York at Buffalo and recently completed her medical physics residency at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, joined the Department of Human Oncology as an assistant professor (CHS) in August. Read more.

Pippa Cosper, MD, PhDDr. Pippa Cosper Named Forbeck Scholar

Dr. Pippa Cosper, an instructor in the Department of Human Oncology and Bentson Translational Research Fellow alumna, has been named a Forbeck Scholar. This highly prestigious award is intended to “foster research and encourage cooperation among the most brilliant minds in cancer research,” according to the William Guy Forbeck Research Foundation’s website. Read more.

ribbon cutting ceremonyWilliam S. Middleton Veterans Hospital Opening New Radiation Oncology Clinic

This winter, the William S. Middleton Veterans Hospital will open its new state-of-the-art radiation oncology clinic, providing patients convenient access to radiation therapy in an integrated, multidisciplinary cancer care facility. On August 13, a ribbon cutting ceremony featuring the Secretary of Veteran Affairs, Denis Richard McDonough was held to inaugurate the new Middleton VA Cancer Center. Drs. Jessica Schuster and Jennifer Smilowitz from the Department of Human Oncology joined Secretary McDonough for the ceremonial cutting of the ribbon. Read more.

Heads Up! Golf Outing 2021 Tony and Linda Granato, Tracey and Tod Noffke, Sarah and Paul Harari15th Annual Heads Up! Golf Outing Raises $39,000 for Head and Neck Cancer Research

An enthusiastic group of 130 participants attended the Heads Up! Golf Outing at University Ridge Golf Course on July 26 to raise money for head and neck cancer research and treatment at the University of Wisconsin and to honor those affected by head and neck cancer as well as those working to improve treatments. This year’s event raised over $39,000 for head and neck cancer research activities. Read more.

Zachary Morris headshotCombining Low-Dose Radiotherapy with Immunotherapy Eradicates Metastatic Cancer in Mice

Research by Drs. Zachary Morris, associate professor in the Department of Human Oncology, and Ravi Patel, Bentson Translational Research Fellow alum, finds that combining targeted radiopharmaceutical therapy with immunotherapy significantly boosts eradication of metastatic cancer in mice, even when the radiation is given in doses too low to destroy the cancer outright. Their research appears in the journal Science Translational Medicine. Read more.

Headshot of Gemma DaviesNew Faculty: Gemma Davies, PhD, DABR

Dr. Gemma Davies, who earned her PhD in medical physics at the Institute of Cancer Research and the Royal Marsden Hospital in the U.K. and most recently served as a senior clinical physicist at Johns Hopkins Hospital, joined the Department of Human Oncology as an assistant professor (CHS) in February. Read more.

Samantha Bradley, undergraduateStudents and DHO Faculty Mentors Awarded Research Fellowships

The Department of Human Oncology (DHO) has a strong commitment to training undergraduates who are interested in careers in cancer research. Through their work with faculty mentors, these students learn to think like scientists, gain hands-on skills, and begin to consider their future career paths. They also contribute to the DHO research agenda by conducting experiments and analyzing data. In recognition of successful undergraduate research and the mentoring that facilitates this important activity, at least nine students will perform research in DHO this summer through specific research fellowships. Read more.

Aleksandra Kuczmarska-Haas, Post Grad TraineeDHO Celebrates 2021 Graduates

The Department of Human Oncology (DHO) at the University of Wisconsin–Madison recently celebrated the graduation of two radiation oncology residents, two radiation oncology physics residents, and a Bentson Translational Research fellow. Read more.

Dr. Carri Glide-Hurst to Mentor Two AAPM Undergraduate Fellows

This summer, Dr. Carri Glide-Hurst, Department of Human Oncology (DHO) director of Radiation Oncology Physics, will mentor two American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) undergraduate fellows. During these 10-week, virtual fellowships, the students will conduct research, interact with the DHO’s world-class faculty and technologies, and gain an overview of what it means to be a medical physicist. Read more.

Michael N. Gould, PhD headshotTribute to Professor Emeritus Michael Nathan Gould

Dr. Michael Gould, who served as a faculty member in the Department of Human Oncology from 1979 to 1998 before joining the Department of Oncology/McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, has died. Dr. Gould was a prolific and versatile researcher. His research focused primarily on identifying genetic factors that contribute to breast cancer. He also trained and mentored dozens of graduate students and post-docs, clearly leaving his mark on the next generation of cancer researchers. Read more.

Thank You, Doctors!

Doctors and countless other healthcare providers have risen to meet the tremendous challenges of the last year in a way that showed just how dedicated they are to our patients, community, and each other. On National Doctors’ Day, we say “thank you” to our UW Health physicians for all that they do for us and our loved ones.

Lexi Luo, Kimple Lab member, headshotLexi Luo, Kimple Lab Member, Named Goldwater Scholar

Qianyun “Lexi” Luo, a junior life sciences major who works in the lab of Department of Human Oncology Associate Professor Randy Kimple, was awarded a 2021 Barry Goldwater Scholarship, one of the most prestigious undergraduate science awards in the United States. Read more.

Amy Heath Named ASRT Fellow

Amy Heath, program manager for the University of Wisconsin School of Radiation Therapy, will be named an American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT) Fellow at its annual meeting in June. Read more.

Zachary Morris headshotDr. Zachary Morris Featured on WPR Program

Dr. Zachary Morris, vice chairman in the Department of Human Oncology, and Dr. Jamey Weichert, professor in the Department of Radiology, discussed their research on the combined use of immunotherapy and targeted radionuclide therapy as a potential treatment for metastatic cancer on Wisconsin Public Radio’s The Larry Meiller Show.” Listen here.

Justin JagodinskyDHO Researchers Demonstrate Feasibility of Multi-Purpose Brachytherapy Catheter

Preclinical research by a team of Department of Human Oncology researchers and UW biomedical engineering students has demonstrated the feasibility of using a multi-purpose catheter to deliver brachytherapy and intratumoral injection. Read more. 

Justin JagodinskyMorris Lab Member (Jagodinsky) Earns NIH F30 Award

Justin Jagodinsky, an MD-PhD student in the Morris Lab in the Department of Human Oncology, has earned an NIH F30 award. This award, which totals $97,000 over 2.5 years, supports his preclinical research on the combined use of brachytherapy and immunotherapy to improve cure rates for metastatic cancer. Read more. 

MRI ribbon cutting ceremony
DHO and Radiology Advance Collaborations with New MRI Scanner

The Departments of Human Oncology and Radiology recently unveiled a new MRI scanner in the radiation oncology clinic at University Hospital. This machine will enhance patient care and provide opportunities for multidisciplinary collaboration aimed at advancing MRI use in radiation oncology. Read more.

2020 UW Radiation Oncology Clinic staff in Halloween costumesDepartment Gets into the Halloween Spirit

The UW Health Radiation Oncology Clinic celebrated Halloween with costumes and a Pumpkin Decorating Contest, creating a festive environment for patients, families, and staff. Read more. 

Kelly Clifton headshot
Remembering Kelly Clifton, Human Oncology Professor Emeritus

Dr. Kelly Clifton, a professor emeritus in the Department of Human Oncology who helped establish the department’s excellence in radiation biology and carcinogenesis and mentored scientists who went on to highly successful research careers, died on August 24 in Madison. He was 93. Read more.

Zachary Morris headshotDrs. Zachary Morris and Jamey Weichert co-lead UW Team Earning $12.5 Million NIH P01 Grant

Dr. Zachary Morris, vice chairman in the Department of Human Oncology and Dr. Jamey Weichert, professor in the Department of Radiology, along with a talented team of UW researchers, have earned a five-year, $12.5 million National Institutes of Health Research Program (P01) Grant (plus $2 million in institutional matching funds) to study the combined use of immunotherapy and targeted radionuclide therapy (TRT) to treat metastatic cancer. Read more.

Randall Kimple, MD, PhDDr. Randy Kimple to Lead Phase I Clinical Trial of a Therapy for Dry Mouth in Head and Neck Cancer Patients

Dr. Randy Kimple, associate professor in the Department of Human Oncology, will lead a Phase I clinical trial of a new cell therapy for radiation-induced xerostomia, or dry mouth. Xerostomia is a common long-term side effect of radiation therapy for head and neck cancer that can result in problems eating, speaking and sleeping and can cause pain, fatigue and contribute to tooth decay. Read more.

Shuang (George) ZhaoNew Faculty Member: Shuang (George) Zhao, MD

Dr. Shuang (George) Zhao, who earned his MS/MD and completed his radiation oncology residency training at the University of Michigan, joined the Department of Human Oncology as an assistant professor in August. Read more.

Adam BurrNew Faculty Member: Adam Burr, MD, PhD

Dr. Adam Burr joined the Department of Human Oncology (DHO) as an assistant professor in July 2020 after completing his radiation oncology residency in the department. Read more.


The UW Health Radiation Oncology Clinic at University Hospital recently earned national recognition for its exceptional quality of cancer care from the American Society for Radiation Oncology’s (ASTRO) Accreditation Program for Excellence (APEx®). Read more.


The Department of Human Oncology (DHO) at the University of Wisconsin–Madison recently celebrated the graduation of three radiation oncology residents, two radiation oncology physics residents, and two radiation oncology fellows. Read more.

Elizabeth SumiecElizabeth Sumiec, Member of the Morris Lab, Named Goldwater Scholar

Elizabeth Sumiec, a junior biochemistry major who works in the lab of Department of Human Oncology Assistant Professor Zachary Morris, has been awarded a 2020 Barry Goldwater Scholarship, one of the most prestigious science awards conferred upon undergraduates in the United States. Read more.

UW Health Radiation Oncology Clinic Takes Precautions During Covid-19 Outbreak

The UW Health Radiation Oncology Clinic continues to provide high quality cancer care amid the Covid-19 outbreak. As the situation evolves, clinic staff are regularly implementing new safety precautions. Some of these occur “behind the scenes,” while others are more visible as patients and staff navigate through the radiation oncology clinic. Read more.

Drs. Kuczmarska-Haas, Grace Blitzer, and Jeremy Kratz at the 2020 UW Carbone Cancer Center Research RetreatDrs. Blitzer And Kuczmarska-Haas Earn Awards At Uwccc Research Retreat

UW Radiation Oncology Residents Drs. Grace Blitzer and Aleksandra Kuczmarska-Haas received first and third place awards, respectively, for their presentations at the 2020 UW Carbone Cancer Center Research Retreat.